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October 26, 2010
        The results of all three FLARM Fund MIRA surveys are now tabulated and have been
        attached as Appendices to the FLARM Fund Submission 1 to the SSA Rules
        Committee.  This submission can be viewed as a PDF with this link,
        http://www.FlarmFund.com/RC_Submission_1.pdf , or as a Word file with this link,
October 12, 2010
         Several people have expressed concern about mounting a rental PowerFLARM
         in a position that doesn't cover too much forward view or instrument panel space.
         In addition to suction mounts and velcro option I have come up with a way to mount
         a 1 inch diameter Ram Mount ball using 3 instrument screws.  Shown here is a 1 inch
         ball mounted to a 2 1/4 inch instrument.
         This mount can be rotated and flipped to position the ball in any of 8 positions
         around the instrument.  The mounts will be machined out of 1/2 inch thick aluminum
         and will be mounted with longer screws which will be provided.  I will machine them
         on my CNC mill for both 2 1/4 and 3 1/8 instrument holes.  The PowerFLARM will
         have a Ram Mount ball on it too and the PowerFLARM can be mounted to the panel
         ball with a Ram Mount socket arm (all provided). 
October 11, 2010
         Survey #2 has generated a significant response rate in less than 2 days.  I would
         just like to make sure that people understand the significance of the wording I chose
         regarding potential penalties in the proposed rule.  The unsafe operations category of
         penalties allows for the value of the penalty to be anything from a 0 point warning all the
         way to a contest disqualification.  In my experience, CDs do not hand out discretionary
         penalties lightly and certainly significant penalties in this category would be taken
         very seriously by all.
October 9, 2010
         The results of the FLARM Fund's first survey are being tabulated but I can say that,
         without a doubt, FLARM MIRA contests are supported by a substantial popular
          The survey was sent out to about 340 of the 368 pilots who flew in contests in the
          last year.  The response rate was an astounding 50% (171 pilots).  This is twice
          the average response rate of SSA Pilot Opinion Polls.  Stay tuned for the results.       
September 27, 2010
          FLARM Funders will receive 3 of the below decals (white area will be transparent).
          One decal for your glider, one for your trailer and one for your crew car:

Sponsor Program